Egyptian pharaoh who ‘abolished God’ could be linked to ‘ancient Mexican aliens’

An ancient Egyptian pharaoh may be linked with a recent Mexican alien discovery, which NASA is now allegedly investigating according to an expert.

Akhenaton, the reigning pharaoh of Egypt between 1342-1336 BC, could be loosely linked with the aliens presented to the Mexican government earlier this year. Not only does the pharaoh hold out-of-this-world origins, but passed on a curse to his son.

His son, the infamous Tutankhamun, was believed to be cursed by "the old Gods", according to expert Mark Christopher Lee. He confirmed Akhenaton had "abolished" certain Gods, and further alleged the Egyptian ruler could be linked with extra-terrestrials.

READ MORE: 'Rosetta Stone' found in ancient Egyptian temple said to hold 'language of the Gods'

For the latest weird and wild news in ancient Egypt, click here.

Speaking exclusively to the Daily Star, Mr Lee of NubTV believes there could be a link between the ancient pharaoh and the Mexican aliens recently produced in public at the UFO conference. They are believed to be thousands of years old, with investigations into their origins underway.

Mr Lee said: "Akhenaton I think is of alien origin. He is depicted as having an elongated skull and large eyes much like the grey aliens of modern UFO stories, and very much like the recent alien mummies recently displayed in Mexico. Maybe they are linked.

"Akhenaten also abolished all the old Egyptian gods and replaced them with with just one God, Aten, The Sun God, possibly suggesting a return to the stars from which life on earth originally came from. Aten the Sun God is portrayed as a disc which dome consider to be actually a UFO."

With links between the Egyptian emperor and life beyond our planet, it would appear wild conspiracies around the construction of the pyramids may not be too far off. That is, of course, if the links between Akhenaton and aliens are to be believed.

Mr Lee added: "Akhenaten, I believe passed a curse onto his son Tutankhamun, the next pharaoh, who went against all his father stood for, bringing back all the old gods and turning away from their extra terrestrial origins."

A great divide between the Old Gods and life on other planets appears to have drawn a line between the eras of ancient Egypt. Mr Lee's mention of Mexican aliens is in reference to the ancient beings recently presented to the Mexican government.

The Daily Star previously reported the wild sighting, which has baffled experts and even seen NASA get involved. A Mexican laboratory previously scanned the allegedly ancient bodies, and now believe they could be real.

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